The VSTpro has Risk Management tools to assist in reducing trade risk.
- Maximum Risk Target:
- Current Leverage:
- Recommended Leverage:
- Rec Risk-adj Position Size:
- SmartStop:
Trading systems can be tested by using the VSTpro Mod Exploration template.
By placing the system into the exploration template it can now be run using the normal MetaStock Explorer.
Upon completion the Explorer results can be sorted then cut/pasted into Excel for final analysis.
Viewing the results in Excel can greatly assist in selecting trade candidates.
The Excel sheet below displays a few of the ASX 300 stocks sorted by P/R ratio.
Click on images to enlarge.The charts below have been setup using the Matket Trend Filter entry/exits.
Details are available in the stats window of the charts.
Click on the images to enlarge.
The VSTpro manual has useful information regarding Leverage and Risk, click here and look for the Q&A section towards the end.